Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day Fifteen~A day at the park!

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I decided two things today. One, Im going to give my titles names, not just days! And two, how on EARTH can you only choose ONE photo when you take your kids to the park ??? Just feel lucky that Im not going to bombard you with the 25 pictures that i took HAHA! Just the 3 that are my absolut favorites! Since Jason is working nights, I have my car during the day now. And its been heaven! I've missed having a car. It feels great NOT to be stranded, and I can do things with my twins while Tyler's at school. They love it too really. I've promised to take them back to the park tomorrow and so I will! A different one though. They are excited ...


Julia said...

Uh.... so jealous of your weather!! We are buried in snow here lol The girls look so cute!

Stephenie said...

Love those brown eyes peeking through the holes! Cute!

Chrissy said...

So cute! I'm glad you have the car during the day! I know how much it sux being stranded at home all day! And I am also jealous of the warm weather there! lol